Malagash, Nova Scotia residential properties for Sale. Find or Share Your Real Estate Property
Sort by City: Select the City Amherst Amherst Shore Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antigonish County Arcadia Ardoise Arichat Armdale Ashby Athol Auburn Avonport Aylesford Baddeck Baddeck Bay Barrington Barss Corner Barton Baxters Harbour Bayswater Bayview Bear River Beaver Bank Beaver Brook Beaver River Bedford Bedford West Beechville Beechville Estates Belmont Berwick Bible Hill Big Tancook Island Black Point Blockhouse Bridgetown Bridgewater Broad Cove Brookdale Brookfield Brooklyn Cambridge Camperdown Canaan Canning Cape St Marys Caribou River Carleton Cedar Lake Centreville Charleston Chelsea Chester Chester Grant Chipman Corner Church Point Clam Point Clarence Clarks Harbour Clayton Park Clementsvale Cleveland Clyde River Colby Colby Village Coldbrook Cole Harbour Comeauville Concession Cornwallis Park Cowie Hill Coxheath Dartmouth Dayspring Debert Deep Brook Digby Digby County Donkin Dundee Dutch Settlement Eagle Head Earltown East Amherst East Bay East Chezzetcook East Dalhousie East Ferry East Green Harbour East Lahave East Ship Harbour Eastern Passage Economy Eight Island Lake Ellershouse Elmsdale Enfield Fairmount Fall River Falmouth Feltzen South First South Forbes Point Forest Glen Fox Harbour Fox River Frasers Mountain Gaetz Brook Gardners Mills Garlands Crossing Glace Bay Glen Haven Gold River Grand Etang Grand River Granville Centre Granville Ferry Green Bay Greenfield Greenhill Greenwood Gulf Shore Gunning Cove Guysborough Habitant Halifax Halifax Peninsula Hammonds Plains Hants Border Hantsport Harbourville Hatchet Lake Havre Boucher Head Of St Margarets Bay Hebbville Heckmans Island Herring Cove Hillsburn Hubbards Hubley Hunts Point Indian Harbour Indian Point Ingomar Inverness Jordan Bay Jordan Ferry Judique Karsdale Kempt Kentville Kings Head Kingston Kingswood Labelle Lahave Islands Lake Ainslie Lake Charlotte Lake Echo Lake Paul Lakeview Lakeville Lantz Lawrencetown Lequille Linacy Linden Little Harbour Little River Liverpool Loch Lomond Lockeport Louisbourg Louisdale Lower East Pubnico Lower Sackville Lower Woods Harbour Lunenburg Lyons Brook Maccan Maders Cove Mahone Bay Maitland Malagash Malagash Point Marriotts Cove Marshalltown Martins River Melvern Square Merigomish Mersey Point Meteghan Meteghan Station Middle Cornwall Middle River Middle Sackville Middleton Milford Mill Cove Mill Creek Mill Village Millville Milton Mink Cove Molega Lake Morden Morristown Mount Uniacke Mulgrave Murray Siding Mushaboom Musquodoboit Harbour New Albany New Canada New Germany New Glasgow New Minas New Waterford Newcombville Nicholsville Nictaux Nine Mile River North Alton North End North Kentville North River North Sydney Ostrea Lake Overton Oxford Paradise Parkdale Parrsboro Pembroke Pentz Pictou Pictou Landing Pine Grove Plympton Point Edward Poirierville Port Bickerton Port Clyde Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Lhebert Port Lorne Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Saxon Portapique Porters Lake Portland Hills Pugwash Purcells Cove Queensland Queensport Rhodes Corner River Bourgeois River Hebert Riverport Rockdale Rockingham Rockland Rose Bay Roseway Round Hill Sable River Sackville Salmon River Sampsonville Scotsburn Seabright Sheet Harbour Sheffield Mills Shelburne Shubenacadie Smelt Brook South Brookfield South Farmington South Range Springfield Springhill Spryfield St Alphonse St Anns St Bernard St Georges Channel St Peters Stellarton Stewiacke Stonehurst South Stoney Island Summerville Sutherlands Lake Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney River Tantallon Tatamagouche Terre Noire The Lodge The Points West Bay Thorburn Three Fathom Harbour Tidnish Tidnish Bridge Timberlea Trenton Troy Truemanville Truro Tusket Upper Clements Upper Clyde Road Upper Economy Upper Granville Upper Musquodoboit Upper Nine Mile River Upper Sackville Upper Stewiacke Upper Tantallon Valley Vaughan Victoria Harbour Victoria Vale Voglers Cove Waterville Waverley Wedgewood Wellington Wentworth Wentzell Lake West Arichat West Bay West Bay Marshes West Bedford West Green Harbour West Lahave West Porters Lake Westmount Westphal Westville Westville Road Westwood Hills Weymouth White Point Whites Lake Whycocomagh Williamswood Wilmot Windsor Windsor Junction Wolfville Wolfville Ridge Woodlawn Woods Harbour Yarmouth Youngs Cove
100 Elderberry Drive
Malagash Point
Detached, House
Approximate price in December 2017:
On the outer shore of Malagash Point is Blue Sea Landing, a small community of fine homes, set on a private road with absolute tranquility. An oceanside master bedroom, with 5 piece ensuite and walk-in closet, overlooks the sea where seals and sea bird vie... click for more info
131 Purdy Loop
Detached, House
Approximate price in December 2017:
Everything done in this vastly updated and improved three bedroom home in a quiet location on beautiful Malagash, near all the amenities and attractions of the area, just 15 minutes to the popular village of Tatamagouche. Three bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms,... click for more info
2767 Malagash Road
Detached, House
Approximate price in December 2017:
This is an older home but very well maintained with lots of updates. including dry cement basement, newer oil furnace and tank plus wood burning stove, pump, hot water and pressure tank, 100 amp service, drywall and paint, doors, flooring, some windows,... click for more info
Sort by City: Select the City Amherst Amherst Shore Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antigonish County Arcadia Ardoise Arichat Armdale Ashby Athol Auburn Avonport Aylesford Baddeck Baddeck Bay Barrington Barss Corner Barton Baxters Harbour Bayswater Bayview Bear River Beaver Bank Beaver Brook Beaver River Bedford Bedford West Beechville Beechville Estates Belmont Berwick Bible Hill Big Tancook Island Black Point Blockhouse Bridgetown Bridgewater Broad Cove Brookdale Brookfield Brooklyn Cambridge Camperdown Canaan Canning Cape St Marys Caribou River Carleton Cedar Lake Centreville Charleston Chelsea Chester Chester Grant Chipman Corner Church Point Clam Point Clarence Clarks Harbour Clayton Park Clementsvale Cleveland Clyde River Colby Colby Village Coldbrook Cole Harbour Comeauville Concession Cornwallis Park Cowie Hill Coxheath Dartmouth Dayspring Debert Deep Brook Digby Digby County Donkin Dundee Dutch Settlement Eagle Head Earltown East Amherst East Bay East Chezzetcook East Dalhousie East Ferry East Green Harbour East Lahave East Ship Harbour Eastern Passage Economy Eight Island Lake Ellershouse Elmsdale Enfield Fairmount Fall River Falmouth Feltzen South First South Forbes Point Forest Glen Fox Harbour Fox River Frasers Mountain Gaetz Brook Gardners Mills Garlands Crossing Glace Bay Glen Haven Gold River Grand Etang Grand River Granville Centre Granville Ferry Green Bay Greenfield Greenhill Greenwood Gulf Shore Gunning Cove Guysborough Habitant Halifax Halifax Peninsula Hammonds Plains Hants Border Hantsport Harbourville Hatchet Lake Havre Boucher Head Of St Margarets Bay Hebbville Heckmans Island Herring Cove Hillsburn Hubbards Hubley Hunts Point Indian Harbour Indian Point Ingomar Inverness Jordan Bay Jordan Ferry Judique Karsdale Kempt Kentville Kings Head Kingston Kingswood Labelle Lahave Islands Lake Ainslie Lake Charlotte Lake Echo Lake Paul Lakeview Lakeville Lantz Lawrencetown Lequille Linacy Linden Little Harbour Little River Liverpool Loch Lomond Lockeport Louisbourg Louisdale Lower East Pubnico Lower Sackville Lower Woods Harbour Lunenburg Lyons Brook Maccan Maders Cove Mahone Bay Maitland Malagash Malagash Point Marriotts Cove Marshalltown Martins River Melvern Square Merigomish Mersey Point Meteghan Meteghan Station Middle Cornwall Middle River Middle Sackville Middleton Milford Mill Cove Mill Creek Mill Village Millville Milton Mink Cove Molega Lake Morden Morristown Mount Uniacke Mulgrave Murray Siding Mushaboom Musquodoboit Harbour New Albany New Canada New Germany New Glasgow New Minas New Waterford Newcombville Nicholsville Nictaux Nine Mile River North Alton North End North Kentville North River North Sydney Ostrea Lake Overton Oxford Paradise Parkdale Parrsboro Pembroke Pentz Pictou Pictou Landing Pine Grove Plympton Point Edward Poirierville Port Bickerton Port Clyde Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Lhebert Port Lorne Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Saxon Portapique Porters Lake Portland Hills Pugwash Purcells Cove Queensland Queensport Rhodes Corner River Bourgeois River Hebert Riverport Rockdale Rockingham Rockland Rose Bay Roseway Round Hill Sable River Sackville Salmon River Sampsonville Scotsburn Seabright Sheet Harbour Sheffield Mills Shelburne Shubenacadie Smelt Brook South Brookfield South Farmington South Range Springfield Springhill Spryfield St Alphonse St Anns St Bernard St Georges Channel St Peters Stellarton Stewiacke Stonehurst South Stoney Island Summerville Sutherlands Lake Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney River Tantallon Tatamagouche Terre Noire The Lodge The Points West Bay Thorburn Three Fathom Harbour Tidnish Tidnish Bridge Timberlea Trenton Troy Truemanville Truro Tusket Upper Clements Upper Clyde Road Upper Economy Upper Granville Upper Musquodoboit Upper Nine Mile River Upper Sackville Upper Stewiacke Upper Tantallon Valley Vaughan Victoria Harbour Victoria Vale Voglers Cove Waterville Waverley Wedgewood Wellington Wentworth Wentzell Lake West Arichat West Bay West Bay Marshes West Bedford West Green Harbour West Lahave West Porters Lake Westmount Westphal Westville Westville Road Westwood Hills Weymouth White Point Whites Lake Whycocomagh Williamswood Wilmot Windsor Windsor Junction Wolfville Wolfville Ridge Woodlawn Woods Harbour Yarmouth Youngs Cove